I recognized that teaching was the window-opened-wide to re-establishing my viability in many directions, I knew there was a book about how to #KeepGoing, at any age, for any situation. 

You want to know to actually #KeepGoing and rebel for a positive outcome? 

You want to learn that at any age, creativity is your economic engine, and that everyone has creative abilities? 

You want to know how collaborations between Millennials and Boomers are the path for the next fifteen years and what might emerge?

You want to witness the drama of a personal story and struggle of reinvention?  

You want to know how developing ideas can change your life and the world? You want to know how to create those great ideas?

And do you want to move beyond yourself and help make this rebellion of reinvention and anti-ageism a cause for our society, and apply all the creative risks you learn in this book to developing that cause? 

Get Sorry Millennials We’re Not Dead Yet: The Boomer Rebellion. The book is garnering 5-star reviews on Amazon and leading me to the lecture circuit. See where it can lead you.


Solutions to a "booming" problem

By andrew cohen | October 26, 2016

Wexler isn’t afraid to state what many would rather not discuss when the jobs reports shows that employment is up; that while the numbers look positive there are a whole set of baby boomers whose numbers are looking down. Like steel workers whose jobs are no longer relevant... (more)


A fun and valuable read...

By Jim Harrison | November 2, 2016

As a fellow boomer, I identified with many of the experiences and emotions described by Gary in this book. I found his sense of optimism and adventure inspiring and empowering. The author lays out an orderly approach to achieving ones dreams as a boomer... (more)


A must read for all of us Boomers.

By Debra Tenzer | July 20, 2016

A must read for all of us Boomers. Message: refuse to age gracefully. Go vividly, powerfully and memorably, and keep repairing the world with everything you've got. Gary's book urges, exhilarates and lights the way.


Gary Wexler opens doors for creativity and reinvention

By Deborah Powell | September 22, 2016

Gary Wexler opens doors for creativity and reinvention no matter what artificial label we place on our generations or ages. The core message is that we humans are endlessly aspirational and within those aspirations are the seeds of meaning. Read and be inspired.


Five Stars

By Jeffrey B. Hirsch | August 28, 2016

Heartfelt, personal insights that translate universally.